MESH APPLICATION OVER QUICK-RTM BOARD or stucco shield IITM board for TOTAL LITE PI exterior insulated and finish system

Traditionally, the standard mesh application practice calls for coating the board with Base Coat first and then embedding reinforcing mesh or detail mesh.  Since the Base Coat is applied to the board first, it must be squeezed through the mesh as the mesh is pressed into the Base Coat with a trowel.  The popular position is that this procedure surrounds the reinforcing mesh with Base Coat, which optimizes performance. Total Wall recognizes this procedure as the standard method.  The PI system must be fully meshed.

An alternate method of applying mesh and Base Coat is to first adhere self-stick mesh to the board and then apply the Base Coat over the board and mesh.  Although this method does not fully embed the mesh, it does produce a strong, reinforced Base Coat result.  Use of self-stick mesh is acceptable only for details such as back wrapping and architectural shapes.